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Sentence – Modification/Review – New Factor, Extended Supervision – TIS-II Reduction in ES Maximum

State v. Tony G. Longmire, 2004 WI App 90
For Longmire: Charles B. Vetzner, SPD, Madison Appellate


¶42. Finally, Longmire cites three matters which he argues are “new factors” and thus grounds for the trial court to modify his term of extended supervision:  (1) a reduction in the maximum term of extended supervision for the class of felony of which Longmire was convicted; (2) the rationale of the Criminal Penalties Study Committee Final Report on 1997 Wisconsin Act 283 for recommending reduced maximum terms of supervision….

¶45. Longmire contends that both the reduction in penalty and the rationale behind it constitute new factors for the purposes of sentence modification. However, it has long been the law in Wisconsin that a reduction in the maximum penalty for a crime subsequent to a defendant’s sentencing is not a new factor….

¶46. We conclude that, just as a change in the classification and maximum sentence of a crime is not a new factor for traditional sentence modification purposes, neither is the rationale underlying the change. The study committee’s rationale for recommending to the legislature that certain maximum terms of extended supervision be reduced is not a “fact or set of facts” relevant to the imposition of Longmire’s sentence. Rather, it is an opinion on an aspect of correctional policy held by a committee created to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding the implementation of the Truth in Sentencing laws in Wisconsin….

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